Remember the best speeches of mankind; from the famous Mark Antony’s post Casear’s death address to the countrymen or even Martin King Luther Jr’s “I have a dream”, they were not mechanical pieces scripted with wit and words but a soulful discourse that was intended well and had a targeted audience. The more famous and infamous, both sects of duels have provided enough earth for germinating the ideas to inspire. If any war could have only ended forever that has begun from words and ideas that contradicted, it would have meant more sense to mankind. I personally could read very few of them and attempted to correlate each one, how well they have magnified the reason for the speech. Each word that was spoken and unspoken contributed to the world we live in immensely.

Our language is not grammatical but more human in its approach. And its usage has been tailored across centuries by leaders, statesmen, philosophers, poets and saints and even more for not only conveying a certain meaning but attempting to get a desired impact. Yes, words trigger action – a noun that would generate more verbs around it to make the dialogue a revolution.

It’s an orchestra: Remember, while addressing your audience whether in a close room, in your family, or even in society all that you communicate quite visibly is a state of mind and a possibility people will believe in. Situations will vary from person to person and time to time; the same piece of interaction may seem absolutely meaningless when spoken in a wrong group. So what do we do to get the impact we intend. Yes, we need to orchestrate a lot more than just responding to the stimuli. Understand, the demographics well. Understand whom are you talking to, what language will be the best suited, and what words will make a positive impact. Propaganda from Nazi times till date through politicians of all known nations has not done enough good than the words spoken by our saints and poets and philosophers in true meaning. Believe in your spirit that you will present in the orchestra, in the dialogue. It’s not ‘blood for blood’, ‘apple for apple’ but words for more action. As a leader you will like or not but have to address your audience and some point of time; arouse their emotions, inform their minds and gratify their souls with your ‘words’. You ‘words’ will not just reflect a ‘utopia’ and possibilities but an action plan, show the path to reach the collective goal. In communication it becomes quite critical to know the ‘end’ and the ‘means’ to reach it. You have a signature way of doing it; it can’t be a replica of anyone whether you know or not, like or love. It’s you orchestra when you communicate. Talk words that make the audience believe in you spirit not just appreciate. Your speech has the power to hypnotize, use it well. Like music that you love most, in a communication orchestra there are certain phrases, words that you will need to repeat again and again till it become a powerful message in itself. Agree, to its best you should also support by action that your self aspires for. Like Joseph Conrad puts it “He who wants to persuade should put his trust not in the right argument, but in the right word. The power of sound has always been greater than the power of sense.” In the orchestra you are attempting, ensure that the sound is heard.

The Conjuring: Words in any of our language have the power to create the desired charisma. Lord Buddha’s teachings were succinct and sacred threads of weaving the soul’s fabric that lasts for so many centuries. Nietzsche’s soul filling words, Shakespearean monologues, Osho’s discourses and so many more examples hint at just one single thing; the rhythm of the thought, the power to mesmerize. You need not be an author or a poet, but indeed you are a human that looks forward to lead its own race with something very meaningful that will satisfy your spirit for doing it. When you conjure through speech or writing ensure the thought your audience is just poured in gains momentum, and builds more upon it. Words are the only existing intangible entities that if used well can create wonders. Your current standpoint has a trail of words that have sequenced your journey in a certain way. There were certain words in your own history that had made you decide on certain things in a certain way. The conjuring also bases on our language and its component that refer continuously about symbols of our own faith. Miracles in personal space do happen when you use verbs in your speech with more power than your everyday routine while addressing the gathering. Great leaders we know spoke so well not every day, but on every occasions with the passion and understanding of what their words can do to their audience.

Nouns are like music, verbs are like dance: of course remember the first stories your parents would have told you, would have both. Nouns create familiarity in speech, they signify a spirit either positive or negative. Example, take up a noun and try to fit into any situation, the result will never be itself but qualifying words that revolve around the subject. When you talk of an actor or a superhero, it’s entangled with afterthoughts of qualifiers like charisma, glamour, publicity and more. Whereas the word glamour for example doesn’t mean the actor. In messages that you coin in your speech or interactions ensure you use nouns people will be familiar with and has the power to make them think more, as well as stronger verbs that will attract their reasoning through continuous inner questioning or seer acceptance depending on your persona. The statesmen or a political leader will use more verb and less noun to reflect that they are a man or woman of action. Whereas a poet will use adjectives more to qualify the idea and a saint will use nouns like an order that has to be followed. You are the touchstone, and you have the treasure too.

Prescribe to yourself like a doctor: Words can’t be just flowing in without a reason. Ask yourself the best interactions you had ever; what were the words spoken by you and who were the person before you? What makes them memorable? Like a doctor identify symptoms of communications both that helped the interaction and that didn’t. Judging these reasons of impact will help define a prescription that will enrich your communication. Have a list of words that suit you well and go with your personality, use them more. You can’t copy unreasonably someone to be a scarecrow. Your words have the powerful magic that they can create. A little polish of your voice and better understanding of the meaning of each single word helps for years to come.

History is the only witness that knows words have welcomed wars, joined hearts unknown, cared for the impoverished, and created consensus for agenda that helps the community. Before we end this piece will leave you with one more word that makes phenomenal impact; ‘Silence’. Great civilizations and personalities knew the power of silence and used it to the best. When you attempt to be quiet as a worldly being, your mind gets triggered with countless thought whose core is just a word you know. Silence in fact is a thought of the unknown. The other kind is of a brief silence between the words in the pause that at times is quite necessary. Learn where to take the pause. “The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.” – Mark Twain. A pause signifies a world of meaning to the audience.

Take guard of the words that you use, the best can only happen if you attempt.